What is Trojan Horse and how to avoid it?

Tech avi
2 min readNov 19, 2022


As the Internet, or more accurately, the world, becomes more digital, so do cases of online fraud or system attacks, which is why we must be aware of every virus and how to avoid it.

what is trojan horse

Must be So that we can be safe from such viruses or malware, we will provide you with information about such viruses, which can be extremely harmful to you. So let us know in this post what is Trojan Horse and how to avoid it.


What is Trojan Horse

A Trojan horse is a harmful virus, which is a computer programme that comes into our system, takes control of itself, and executes malicious activity. Trojan Horse cannot do this in the same way that the virus creates its own copy, but it can install the virus in the system.

The Trojan horse is also called a Trojan because people download a Trojan with a file by cheating, thinking that we have downloaded this file properly, but that does not happen; rather, it is a trick to trap people.
Like:- Afriend’sdInstagrameIDd getshacked,d and a message comes from hisIDdsaying tot download this gam;, it is a great gam;, you will get money and other message;, but it is not a game but aTrojan. whichhinstals itself in our system,spies on us,s and steals our data

How does Trojan Horse work?

Let us consider Trojan horse malware as an example of how it works!

You receive an email from the name of an unknown person or company, and you open that email’s attachment, considering it to be a normal email.

And such programming is done in that email attachment that malware is installed on your device as soon as you click on it!And that malware now slowly damages all the files and data by reaching the victim’s computer!

So friends, this is just an example of how Trojan is designed to perform various tasks!

However, no user would want a Trojan to harm their data or device in any way.

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Tech avi
Tech avi

Written by Tech avi


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